X-Ray AI analysis -
Select features -
Localization and Segmentation of Cavities, Bacterial growth, Bone Loss in X-Rays along with the identification of 20+ additional biomarkers.
Rotation Identification and Correction on X-Rays.
Image Quality estimation and enhancement.
ML Tech Stack -
Various state-of-the-art Classification, Object Detection, Segmentation Networks, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Traditional Computer Vision techniques (TCV).
Unsupervised and Self-Supervised Algorithms.
Margin Marking and Prep Quality Estimation -
Goal: Accurately estimate margin prep quality and mark dental restoration margins using machine learning.
ML Tech Stack -
3D point cloud deep learning algorithms and pre/post processing using TCV.
Past Projects
DTI Tractography for Neurosurgery using Deep Learning
Reconstruction of the corticospinal tract trajectory on diffusion data from patients presenting with a tumor in or near the motor system.
ML Tech Stack: 3D Image Processing, 3D Computer Vision
Emotion Recognition
End-to-End pipeline for face detection and emotion recognition using CNNs.
Object Tracking in Videos
Object tracking in videos using Mean Shift Algorithm
Real-Time Face Detection on Android
OpenCV based face detection Android application
Gesture Recognition
End-to-End pipeline for detecting and localizing in-appropriate gestures.